Cover of the book past lives, present, mind/body and future family destiny

Past Lives, Present Mind/Body and Future Family Destiny

The Healing Fields of Quantum Embodiment and Spontaneous Remission

Past Lives, Present Mind/Body and Future Family Destiny.

What if you could learn how to use the principles of spontaneous remission to help heal your chronic, mental, emotional, or physical illnesses and disorders? Would it be valuable for you to know how to redirect the energetic fields that direct your genes, shift your DNA’s expression, optimize your health and wellness, and improve the satisfaction of the relationships of your existence?

It is an empowering idea that you can gain greater control of your body’s biochemical production to maximize your happiness, immunity, and recovery, is it not? These possibilities are valuable to address many reasons why there are so many chronic illnesses, obesity, and billions of prescriptions written annually. I hope this book ignites a spark in you to go on a journey of self-discovery and awareness to live a happier, more connected, and fulfilled life.

Breakthrough scientific research in the fields of epigenetics and quantum science in the past few years has brought new hope to anyone with an illness, chronic issue, poor health, or dissatisfaction for not fulfilling their potential. We have compelling know-how that can help an individual become active participants in their healing, the prevention of future illnesses, and their emotional, mental, and spiritual growth.

It has been my life’s mission to share the latest research of integrating my fifty-five years of research and development in this field. I will help you learn how to use the most effective epigenetic tools and scientifically based lifestyle strategies to heal existing physical, mental, and emotional illnesses and to empower you. Additionally, according to evidence-based research from the CDC and my experience, you can prevent an estimated 75 percent or more future illnesses while extending your life IF you commit yourself to the process every day!

The Theory of Quantum Embodiment

The progress of our current generation in integrating science, psychology, technology, and spirituality is unlike any other time in the history of mankind. Breakthroughs in computers continue at an astonishing rate. This has enabled us to enhance our understanding of previously unknown and unmapped universes of DNA, cerebral neural networks, and micro-organisms. Profound new insights are emerging in both outer and inner space.

As a devout researcher of life and existence for the past half-century, I am intent on helping others live a healthy and empowered life with both self- awareness and self-reliance. I have been thrilled at the opportunities this renaissance of knowledge has provided me. These advances have helped to expedite mental, emotional, and physical healing and growth. New science is advancing daily and is providing breakthroughs to shift the ancestral patterns we were unwittingly trapped in.

I will share with you the outcomes of the processes of my observations and experiences with thousands of individuals and families. These clearly demonstrate that there is another way to become the master of your fate. You can have both the

knowledge and the know-how to live a spectacular life of optimal wellness, peace, and passion. Isn’t it time you place your destiny into Life’s hands?

Healing of your chronic mental, emotional, or physical illnesses and disorders

Just imagine learning to expedite the healing of your chronic mental, emotional, or physical illnesses and disorders. How would you feel knowing you could rewire your brain, redirect your genes to shift its DNA’s expression and enlighten your mind? How do you imagine it would influence your life to have the power to experience spontaneous remissions of your unhealthy conditions while you optimize your health and wellness?

Many visualize a world where we can prevent 75 percent or more of chronic illnesses while improving the way people feel. It’s a universal hope. And I hope you will give me your attention to show you the possibility of how.

The Quantum Embodiment concept

Welcome to the concept of Quantum Embodiment, QE, and its evidence-based approaches. Whether it is used to re-code the intergenerational programs hidden in your unconscious mind-body or help you recover from the traumas during your childhood, QE offers many helpful tools and strategies. Yet experience has shown QE will mainly be used to place a Band-Aid on a wound from a relationship upset, family conflict, or personal physical or emotional challenge. Like experiencing pain from a toothache, happiness is restored the moment the suffering is removed.

Very few want to work on the underlying causes that made them susceptible to tooth decay and what perpetuated its deterioration. Even fewer desire to reach beyond their immediate circumstances to climb the ladder of spiritual enlightenment to reconnect with the Source of Life and existence. That is just the way it is. QE does not seek to impose any agenda on anyone. QE is there to be used in whatever way you find it useful and helpful and for however long you desire to utilize it. You are not asking the body and mind to do anything it was not already trained to do. My wish is to provide helpful alternatives to help you better enjoy this embodied blessing of human life and master the skills for an extraordinary life!

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