Dr. Brian Sheen´s Books

Discover the strength hidden within you.

Let the words ignite the healing you crave.

Books aren’t just words! Dr. Brian Sheen´s Books have the knowledge with the power to transform your
thinking and lead you to a better and fulfilled life. Read the books by Dr. Sheen, with in-depth
knowledge and the know-how of using intergenerational epigenetics, neuroscience,
meditation, NLP, Hypnosis, Quantum and Formative Psychology, Bioenergetics, Clinical
Hypnosis and more to help you feel good again!

The Epigenetics Cure: Re-educating Your Cells and DNA for Optimal Health

Brian Sheen´s Books.

Did you know that more than 75% of all chronic physical and mental illnesses can be prevented? Imagine what it would feel like to regain your health faster, cut back on medications, and avoid recurring illnesses!

This powerful book is more than just a read; it’s your blueprint for living a healthier, happier life! It’s not about destiny but about using science to take control of your well-being.

Dr. Sheen’s program in this book can help you achieve just that.

In the fascinating world of epigenetics, our genes aren’t just a preset fate. Dr. Sheen says, ¨Our genes are no longer our hardwired destiny¨. The science of epigenetics has shown how they can be switched on or off, upregulated, or downregulated. The natural wonder of our body is the creative and spontaneous functioning of each cell. Each time you implement the strategies in this book you will train your mind to direct your three brains to utilize neuroplasticity to build or reinforce their neural networks. This process now sends new signals to the receptors on each cell to direct their DNA to produce bio-substances to meet the body’s needs for healing, adaptation, growth, or development. I have used each of these techniques with thousands of people worldwide and they produce miraculous results when applied.

Step into a world where your genes don’t dictate your health. You do start your journey with The Epigenetics Cure. Buy today and unlock the power of your body’s natural healing abilities!

Access Your Inner Pharmacy: Live a Focused and Happy Life Without Drugs

Brian Sheen´s Books.

Would it be helpful for you to learn how to get the biochemicals you need to resolve your disorder without using toxic medications ?

Dive into an exciting journey with an easy-to-follow program scientifically designed to spark incredible changes in your life.

This isn’t just about learning – it’s about transforming your feelings. It shows you to tap into your body’s healing power.

This innovative and evidence-based program gives you the necessary tools to place the power of epigenetics, neuroscience, psychoneuroimmunology, NLP, and Quantum and Formative Psychology in your hands.

What’s even more exciting is that this program has an impressive track record. 97% of those who read and applied this program for challenges like ADD and ADHD said goodbye to their medications and saw incredible improvements in their schoolwork and daily life.

“The knowledge and tools I have acquired through this book helped me expand my vision of myself, my talents, capabilities & potential – but also how I see myself and others in relationships. In endless gratitude,” S.C.

“The knowledge of the Key Prescriptions didn’t just change my life, it SAVED my life. Before I lived a life in a vicious cycle of failed relationships, anxiety, and abusing my body and soul. It gave me the knowledge, tools, confidence, and motivation to do things differently.” N.F.

So, are you ready to transform your life and unlock your full potential?

Let’s start this incredible journey today!

Misdiagnosis and Mistreatment: Your Doctor’s Advice is The Number One Cause of Death

Brian Sheen´s Books.

Your doctor’s advice may be more dangerous than corona-virus covid-19!

What you’ll learn:

This book exposes the dangerous state of affairs in our “sick-care system” and the dangers of the current medical/pharmaceutical complex.

Doctor’s cause over 800,000 deaths and millions of life-threatening complications each year. Or, as Harvard Professor Lucian Leape testified before Congress, it’s equivalent to six jumbo jets falling out of the sky every day!

Through the Eyes of a Child

Brian Sheen´s Books.

When was the last time you felt the playfulness and innocence of those special moments in childhood? Perhaps it is time to embrace these memories and have fun doing so?

Dive into this exciting spiritual adventure to open your eyes to the forgotten joys of feeling freedom and adventure.

Through the remarkable journey of a child’s near-death experience, he fulfills his quest to awaken from the nightmare of his life and find peace in the presence of Ganesha, the Elephant headed God.

Listeners are led through the forest of his family’s prejudices, fears, and conditioned beliefs to emerge face to face with his deepest yearning within – to know his Creator and experience the greater truth of life.

Listeners are drawn into the open heart of a young man to share with his unique perspective of life that his parents and grandparents had forgotten, to become a healing catalyst to help reconnect to their truth by looking through the eyes of this child.

The story is both fun and fast-paced with the delicious flavor of your grandmother’s tastiest treats. Are you ready to be inspired?

The Aftermath of Covid; CPSD: Chronic Pandemic Stress Disorder

Brian Sheen´s Books.

Did Covid mess with you and your friends’ brains and minds, leading to depression, anxiety, and substance abuse that still lingers on? Are you similar to the millions who wish they weren’t taking some kind of drug to deal with these after effects and seek another way?

The pandemic came out of nowhere, and the world was unprepared for such a situation. Everything flipped upside down.

Everything normal became strange, and it’s all because of a pandemic – COVID-19.

It made people sick and spread a scary thing called Chronic Pandemic Stress Disorder, or CPSD.

You’ve probably seen how the stress of recent years has made people feel more down, anxious, unable to sleep well and rely on substances.

Sadly, this stress permanently marks our minds, creating more problems.

The medicine we use to help doesn’t fix these deep-rooted issues; it only masks the symptoms.

Not only that, but it can also make our immune system weaker, cause harmful side effects, and even make our health worse.

But these pills are a gold mine for the medicine industry, so they keep pushing them.

Here’s where Dr. Brian Sheen can help people.

A researcher who dedicated his life to studying how our genes, minds, and bodies work together and created something unique called the Science of Quantum Embodiment.

In his research, Dr. Sheen has developed a plan called Quantum Embodiment, or QE.It’s like a mix of brain science, the study of genes, alternative psychology, and ancient Indian health wisdom known as Ayurveda.Sheen’s unique CPSD healing plans can help “rewire” our brains.So, if you’re looking to fight back against the stress of the pandemic and reclaim your life, Dr. Sheen’s QE might be just what you need.

Success proven by hundreds of people!!!!