Imbalanced Thyroid

Accumulated Stress, Trauma, and Unhealthy Conditioned Beliefs

An imbalanced thyroid.

The thyroid represents the essential aspect of life as a human being. It is through our throat that we express our most intimate willpower. This important gland also represents the ability to follow your dreams and share the heart’s most intimate desires. It is the thyroid that feels that its need to express itself and be heard has been covered, rejected or belittled. The throat and jaw may contract, causing a disruption in the flow of thyroid hormones, blood, and other essential biological substances to and from the thyroid. This greatly influences metabolic rate, protein synthesis and intellectual development.

Thyroid imbalance constitutes an ongoing condition of systemic discomfort. This sends unhealthy internal pharmaceutical prescriptions to the endocrine and nervous systems. It is an epigenetic phenomenon that exasperates imbalance and predisposes to many biological and emotional diseases.

Many of the medical treatments for thyroid disorders consist of ingesting large amounts of medications that, although they may work in the short term, stop working in the medium and long term. This causes the patient to subsequently move on to a new cycle of taking other medications, making this an ineffective and endless system that can even worsen by not attacking the root cause of the problem.

In most cases, it has nothing to do with the physical part.

Effective drug-free treatments

It is very easy for the thyroid to be affected by unresolved problems related to the past or traumas that impact the balance between mind, body and even spirit. It is through the dynamics that I have perfected with hundreds of patients over the years, that it is possible to reopen the natural flow of our mind, heart and mouth to return balance and well-being to that representation in our system, which is intimately connected to these problems.

The greatest advantage of the treatments offered by the Science Institute of Quantum Embodiment, proven effective and demonstrated in the three cases described in our article called Unbalanced Thyroid: Accumulated Stress, Trauma and Unhealthy Conditioned Beliefs, is that it does not require ingestion or application of any type of medication or drugs.

Yes, as incredible as it may seem, it is possible that a child diagnosed with ADHD could have overcome his condition, even leaving aside the consumption of psychostimulant medications (Ri***in), by treating his mother’s hidden traumas, which were resolved without the need for the surgical treatments that the specialists had suggested given the deep crises of anger, fear and stress that prevented him from having interpersonal relationships and even working.

Managing Hidden Traumas

Nina, a mother with children, managed to reconnect and break her unconscious pattern of anger, hatred and fear which she had carried since childhood. These feelings went beyond what she consciously believed was the cause of her miserable marriage and traumatic divorce. By using Quantum Embodiment anger release protocols, huge amounts of pent up anger were released and for the first time he was able to express what he was feeling without fear of punishment.

Of course, Nina’s son and her new husband were important beneficiaries of her improved mental state and were very grateful for the help she received. Her son no longer misbehaved in school and became an honor roll student.

The second case of successful treatment to which I will refer is that of Cynthia, who had been diagnosed with hypothyroidism for several years. She reported feeling tired, often depressed and in a very bad mood, so she was treated with hormone replacement medications (Sy*****id) until her body developed resistance to said medication.

Regression Work

Our regression work revealed forgotten traumatic memories from his early life. These had left such a deep impression that letting go of them led to noticeable body and facial improvements. The line on her cheeks thinned and she now held her head high with a renewed sense of self-confidence. The abuse he experienced in his childhood had not healed despite many years of psychotherapy.

We also discovered a dozen or more conditioned beliefs learned from their parents in childhood that sabotaged their relationships. These beliefs led her to make unreasonable demands on her partner to protect and defend her insecurities. These were replaced one by one by new healthy beliefs that allowed the forgotten knowledge he had acquired over many years of his life to resurface and be used.

The roots were beneath the surface and went back to previous generations who were also abused.

After fifteen weeks, Cynthia underwent thyroid testing again and was now completely normal. Meanwhile, he had rekindled the joy of his marriage..

Quantum Forgiveness

Finally we will talk about Kathy, another patient also diagnosed with hypothyroidism, who presented long periods of depression and anger that in turn led to a life full of conflicts and negativity. This patient had been treated unsuccessfully with medications, hormone therapy, body talk techniques, and even acupuncture. Our work was to discover what triggered these symptoms and trace them back to the initial sensitization events.

These events (forgotten but still present) had been embedded in his unconscious mind as a hidden program that directed the functioning of his body, which led us to review his history, making a chronology of the important events of his life, thus creating an image your inner subconscious to see what was beneath its surface.

Once techniques such as quantum forgiveness were applied, this patient managed to get to the core of the decisions made at the time of the damage to undo the negative imprint and replace them with a new positive framework, thus overcoming her initial conditions.

The Different Levels of Human Existence

Trauma must be dealt with at whatever level it appears in all three brains, the endocrine system, and the subconscious and unconscious minds. Intergenerational epigenetic tags and surrounding morphogenetic fields need to be examined. Each contains pent-up energy and/or information about your past (or even your ancestors) that can sabotage your well-being. Without complete purification, you may only get temporary relief from your illnesses. Through deep therapeutic work, you will understand the vital role of quantum forgiveness and trauma release. Then, with a reeducation of your mind to remain in your Authentic Self, you can return to a state of balance and joy.


Dr. Brian Sheen, offers expert guidance tailored to your unique needs. Whether
you’re seeking to Resolving intergenerational entanglements and trauma,
learning how to reduce or terminate psychotropic medications, revitalize your
relationship or career or anything necessary to optimize your health, manage
stress, or address specific conditions, our consultations provide a roadmap for
your Quantum Embodiment journey.


Please contact him through his personal email:

Dr. Sheen has worked with a wide demographic of families, individuals, groups,
schools and businesses sharing his specialized tools and strategies throughout
the world.

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